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執筆者の写真: PRPR

【日本語】*English version is below


: 35°42'59.0” - N 139°46'07.4”E - 36.0892”AA Ft.

根津・花園アレイ "The 5th Floor" にて、立石従寛、髙木遊、三宅敦大によるキュレイトリアル・コレクティブHB.による展覧会「次元の衝突点」に参加します。

「本展タイトル「次元の衝突点(Collision point on dimensions): 35°42'59.0” - N 139°46'07.4”E - 36.0892”AA Ft.」は会場となるThe 5th Floorの緯度、軽度、絶対高度である。本展は、いわゆる「極地」に留まらない、地表における座標を提示する。





島田清夏, 下道基行, ヘアビヒ・シェラボン, 上村洋一, 黒沢聖覇, 顧剣亨, マリア・タニグチ

期間 2021年1月9日 - 2月7日 14:00 - 19:30 (閉場日: 火、水、木)

会場 The 5th Floor: 東京都台東区池之端3-3-9 花園アレイ5F

主催 The 5th Floor

キュレーション・企画 HB.

共同企画 上村洋一 + 黒沢聖覇

協力 TOKAS、渡辺歯科医院、五十蔵



: 35°42'59.0” - N 139°46'07.4”E - 36.0892”AA Ft.

SHIMADA Sayaka is participating in "COLLISION POINT ON DIMENSIONS" @ Gallery "The 5th Floor" in Nezu, Tokyo.

"The title of the exhibition "Collision point on dimensions: 35°42'59.0" - N 139°46'07.4 "E - 36.0892 "AA Ft” points the longitude latitude and absolute altitude at the venue The 5th Floor. This exhibition presents coordinates on the earth's surface that go beyond the so-called "poles".

The new coronavirus, COVID-19, has confronted us with the reality that we are forced to refrain from the very "movement/transportation" that was once essential to our lives. We are trying to solve our frustration about the inability to move with various alternatives. For example, how much detail can we imagine about a coordinate that points out a certain point in the physical or the virtual world? We are limited to recognize the coordinate as only a numerical value. This exhibition is an attempt to arouse the imagination of human beings, which is raised from the rationalized language of coordinates."

(from exhibition statement )


Maria Taniguchi

Sayaka Shimada

Motoyuki Shitamichi

Kenryou Gu

Herwig Scherabon

Yoichi Kamimura

Seiha Kurosawa

Dates 9 January - 7 February, 2021 , 14:00 - 19:30 (Closing on: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)

Venue The 5th Floor: Hanazono Alley 5F 3-3-9 IkenohataTaito-ku Tokyo

Organised by The 5th Floor

Curated by HB.

Co-organised by Yoichi Kamimura + Seiha Kurosawa

In cooperation of TOKAS, Watanabe dental clinic, Isukura


Copyright © 2023 SayakaSHIMADA. All rights reserved.

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