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Drawing by Hanabi (360° Video)
Fulldome video,4 video works,  2020
Dome master, stereo, color and monochrome,  3min * 4 works 

Drawing by Hanabi(Fireworks) Four full-dome video works have been produced.

In order to visualise the time of the fireworks, 100 frames are synthesised before and after each frame to create a pattern as a trajectory.
In addition, the sparklers were filmed from directly below, as if looking up at a giant sparkler in the dome.
The mysterious movement of the sparklers was visualised by compositing a further 100 frames of high-speed photography.

スクリーンショット 2022-12-18 15.03_edited.jpg
スクリーンショット 2022-12-18 15.06_edited.jpg



       “What is time?”, The Yebisu lnternational Festival for Art & Alternative Visions 2020,

       Center Square of Yebisu Garden Place Ebisu Tokyo, JAPAN

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